Sunday, December 30, 2012

hopes for 2013

Dear the year 2013,

I have a lot of hopes for you, and I wanted to let you know what they are before you actually begin, so you can be prepared and know what to expect.

I will be graduating with my bachelors degree on May 11, 2013 at 9:30AM (and I only know this because I have already order my graduation invites). I am hoping before this time I will have a job while also knowing what graduate school I will be diving into for the fall semester. Graduate school already? Sheesh. You can definitely take your time getting to the fall semester because I am not ready just yet.

It also seems like everyone around me is either getting engaged, married, or popping out babies. Does this mean I should be doing that this year too? Ricky and I will have been together for three years in March, and I am very excited. I have never been with someone this long before, and I also never been with someone this long and still feel the way I do. It's so nice to be in love with my best friend, so if he wants to be engaged soon (YIPEE!!) then that would be exciting. I cannot wait to plan our dream wedding together, and I know his mother is even more excited then we are.

I am very grateful for all the love I received with my new cake baking venture in the year 2012, but I would love for that to continue. I am doing a few weddings so far, but I would love for a few more to pop up. I did in fact receive a order today from a friend of a friend, which is so sweet to know my friends are telling others about me and my cakes! :)

My apartment lease is also ending in June, which is perfect because it will give me enough time to find a new place here in Rome. Ricky and I want to stay in Rome for now, so I want to find a rental house as my next place. I have loved my cute college apartment, but I am ready for something better (and quieter with less rules). Ricky won't be living with one another until we actually get married, so it is exciting that I get to pick the next place all by myself, but I definitely know he will have an opinion since he will be there most of the time!

Ricky and I also want to be able to find a place for me to be able to get a puppy!! We have always wanted to purchase a little pup together, but we have never been able to afford one. We can finally have the time and money to do it after our graduation, so we cannot wait! That is why I want a little rental house too; I want him or her to be able to run and enjoy this Georgia weather! 

So, now do you see how much pressure I am putting on you 2013?? Please don't let me down!

What are you hoping for the new year? Any new years resolutions?