Sunday, April 15, 2012

End of Junior Year

Tomorrow starts the last full week of classes for my spring semester of my junior year. Finals officially start next Thursday, after having Monday and Tuesday of next week as the last official class days. And then Wednesday is what my college is calling "Reading Day"? Everyone I have talked to about it have said it is a day set aside for us to be able to study all day long. Well, sorry! I will not be taking that opportunity, instead I am working all day! I rarely get a chance to do that during school, so I am taking it. I feel prepared for my finals next week, or maybe it just hasn't hit me yet? Who knows! I am not worried, I totally got this! :)

So at the end of the day on May 2nd, I will officially be a senior in college. What? I still cannot wrap that around my mind. There are days I feel like I just graduated from high school yesterday, and at this time next year, I will be graduating from college. I am probably going to bawl like a baby again, especially at this graduation because this graduation is more final than high school. After high school, I knew I was heading off to college and hitting the books for another four more years. Next year, I will graduate and then not know what to do with myself. I have ideas and dreams I would like to accomplish, but I have no definite plan at the moment. I don't think I want to go to grad school, but I was thinking about culinary school. I actually had my plans set on finding a highly accredited culinary school and immediately heading there after college graduation. I had a list of schools I liked and even started a pro/con list as well. And now, that all may change too! My new job at the local bakery in town has changed my perspective.

It is still my dream of all dreams to open my own bakery and design the entire place, menu, and reputation all by myself. I would do all that tomorrow if I could, but of course, I have to be realistic. I don't have a pot of gold I can reach down and grab out of to achieve those dreams. I have a boyfriend who I have fallen madly in love with who has family here in this college town, and I really can't see us leaving here unless we have to or find an amazing opportunity to lure us out.

You see, I am one of those people who want to know what happens at the end of movies before the movie even starts. I want to know if a couple falls in love and ends up together, if that bad guy dies a painfully horrible death, if that family member survives, or if there is nothing but smiles at the end. I will admit (back when we had only VCRs) I have fast forwarded to the end just to see what happens, and then go back to watch the beginning. For some reason, it comforts me. I know I am completely ruining the entire point of movies, but I cannot help it! I am a huge crier, so I always want to know how every thing ends. I am able to do that with movies, but I wish I could do that with my life. If I would have known the things I know now when I was little, I would have changed my beginning in so many ways. Right now, I wish I could fast forward and see how things end up, so I can make the right decisions and either feel comforted with how it ends or motivated to want to change it.

I apologize for all the deep thoughts, but it has been on my mind a lot lately. I hope it will all work out, and everyone involved will be happy! That's all I want.

Hope everyone has a good week this week! Enjoy each day to the fullest.

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