Saturday, April 21, 2012

Summer Monies

After the next two weeks of last days of class and finals, the summer will officially start for this college senior.
Senior? No way. Already? Crazy!

This summer might be the most hectic summer I will ever have. I am going to be working two jobs, one full time and one part time, while also taking one summer class during the second half of summer. I do not necessarily need to take this class, but this particular subject is one of my weaknesses, so I wanted to take it during the summer, so I can solely focus on it and nothing else. We will see what happens because one of my jobs is not very happy about me taking this class because I said a while back that I was not going to take a summer class. They seemed to understand more when I explained my difficulty with it, but these people still do not seem to understand I am still in college. I feel like I have to remind them constantly that I still have homework, tests, quizzes, long nights, study sessions, boring lectures, endless projects, and a constant headache.

Anyway, this post was not meant to gripe about my jobs (that's another post that could be 300 pages long). With the two jobs this summer, I have made a list. I make lists all the time in my notebook I always carry with me. I refer to it as my idea book; I record anything and every thing that pops into my mind throughout the day. You see, I do not have a strong short term memory, especially when it comes to ideas and things I need to do, so this is where I keep myself together. I could make a post every day for a couple years about each list I have made in this notebook. The most exciting part is that I am finally half way through this notebook. It will definitely be sad when I have to leave this one behind for a brand new, fresh one, but I still have a long way to go until that point!

The list I am writing about today is my list for things I would love to save up for, especially with a summer like this one coming up. I want to save, save, save and make my savings account the biggest it's ever been, and trust me, that is not hard to do! I am not going to hit all the things on the list (that would take forever!). I am just gonna hit the main ones!

  1. The first on the list is a new bed frame. Oh gosh, I never thought something so silly would be at the top of this list, but I cannot stand my bed right now. I live in an apartment, and my dad did not want me to take my huge bed frame from home to stuff into my tiny apartment, so we just put my mattress on this metal frame. It is not cute at all, and it makes me want to take it down every time I hit the sheets, but I know from experience that my bed is not at all comfortable when it is directly on the ground. The rest of the furniture in my room is white, so I have been looking for a really cheap, but nice white bed frame. The only decent one I have found so far is this one from IKEA, but of course, I have all summer to look.
  2. The next one on the list is a Bluetooth keyboard case for the iPad. Ricky and I put some savings together last year to buy an iPad. We thought it would be perfect for us to use, especially for our business classes that we take together. We used it a lot at first, but it ended up being not what I wanted to use to take notes. I am not a fan of the keyboard on the iPad. I am a fast typer and try to keep up with the professor when he or she is lecturing, and I was always falling behind on the iPad because I was messing up so much. Last Christmas looking for a gift for my dad, I stumbled upon this case for the iPad that has a keyboard that is connected by Bluetooth to the iPad. I thought it was so convenient! I have seen students bring in their iPad with a keyboard, but they have to haul all those odds and ends throughout the whole day, but this case just folds right up, and I can just slide it right into my huge school bag.

  3. I know this one shouldn't be on the list anymore because I recently bought it, but it is still so exciting to me because I never thought I would ever be able to afford this baby. I love seeing a check mark next to this one especially! I finally bought myself an iMac, but of course with some help from my good friend who works at the Apple store. I have a Macbook Pro I got when I graduated high school, but I have always dreamed of owning an iMac. I finally had an apartment I love and a desk that is so beautiful and ready for an iMac. And of course, I am typing all this on it right now. I would show a picture, but I am in the process of organizing and cleaning the office, so maybe later ;)

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