Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Week of Stress

This week has been absolutely crazy, and it is not even over. I have a total of five finals this week as well as trying to work 40 hours this week at work. During the semester, we are only allowed to work 16 hours a week because of school, but during the breaks and finals weeks, we can work up to 40 hours. Every one I work with think I am crazy for trying to actually do it, but I need the money badly right now. Every little bit helps!

And on top of all this craziness, I am unexpectedly moving out of my apartment this weekend. Circumstances with a downstairs neighbor have reached to a point where I do not feel safe. Ever since I moved in this past May, things have been difficult and strange, but now it has reached to an uncomfortable level.

I am trying to be optimistic about all of the new changes coming up. Christmas season is definitely putting a smile on my face; it is my favorite time of the year!

Sweet Dreams,


  1. I hope you do well on your finals! I remember how stressful they can be.

    xo, Samantha

  2. Awww, sounds really stressful. hopefully it'll be a good change, and you find time for some much needed R&R!

